GeneralWhat are the system requirements for DistiStock?
DistiStock requires the following:
Can I install DistiStock manually?
Yes. If you prefer you may install DistiStock manually. The following packages need to be downloaded and
installed in order to use DistiStock. Download and install them in the order indicated:
DistiStock EnterpriseHow can I start a search from the command line?
Please refer to DistiStock Enterprise Technical Information for an explanation
The Results PageWhy do some distributor's names in the Distributor panel have a yellow background?
The distributor names change color to inform you that the distributor returned information.
Navigation Shortcuts and TipsA yellow background means that the distributor's information is unavailable at this time. This may be a result of momentary network congestion or maintenance at the distributor's end. You may click on the "Repeat No-Response Distis" button that will appear next to the Search button in the toolbar, to search again, yellow backgrounded Disti's only.
The following shortcuts can be used to quickly move between and inside screens.
See more information in the same screen.
Click on the red minus button in the top right corner of the Distributors Panel to collapse
it. Then you'll see a green plus button in the same corner. Click on this button to expand
the Distributors Panel.
The Summary PageCompare prices.
Click on the column header marked "Price Each".
Compare prices in your preferred currency.All rows with pricing information are placed at the top of the Summary for easy comparison. The results are sorted from least expensive to most expensive. If you click on the same column header again, the order changes from most expensive to least expensive. Regardless of how the price is sorted, the parts with price information are always displayed at the top of the summary.
When you first install DistiStock prices are shown in US dollars.
If you prefer to use a different currency:
How do I compare availability?
Click on the column header marked "In Stock".
Navigate from a specific row in the Summary Page to that distributor in the Results Page.All distributors that show quantity in stock are moved to the top of the Summary. The quantities are sorted from highest to lowest. If you click on the same column header again, the order changes from lowest to highest.
Double-click anywhere on a row in the Summary Page to go directly to the same distributor in the Results Page.
I only need 500 pieces. Which distributor has the best price for 500?There are two exceptions.
Often distributors report prices for several price breaks.
If you want to compare prices from several distributors for the same quantity, here's how:
Why are some rows in the summary page missing RoHS information, MOQ's, prices or quantities?
DistiStock reports the information that the distributors make available. If some information is not supplied then DistiStock
leaves the corresponding cells blank.
Why some lead times are in bold red and others are in black.
You may adjust when the lead times are shown in bold red by going to the Preferences Page and adjusting the lead time tolerance. If
the lead time is longer than your setting, it will show in bold red. This will alert you when the reported lead times are longer than
your tolerance.
Change the order of the columns.
The order of the columns in the Summary Page can be changed by a drag-and-drop operation.
Change the widths of the columns.
In addition to changing the order of columns, you can also change the width of an individual column. Here's how:
Go back to the default settings for column order and width.
The column width and positions can be reset back to their default size and location as follows:
A distributor returned a part number that isn't exactly what I searched for.
Many times distributors report part numbers that are not what you searched for, but are possible alternatives to the part you need.
If you want more information about the new part number double-click on it. A new search begins for the part number
you clicked on.
How to compare MOQ's from different distributors.
Minimum order quantities can be compared by clicking on the "MOQ" column header.
Rows for which the distributor stated a minimum order quantity are moved to the top of the summary with the lowest MOQ at the top. If you click the column header again the rows will be sorted into descending order, with the highest MOQ at the top. The Log PageWhat is the log for?
The log is to help you keep track of your searches and to repeat past searches easily by double-clicking on a part number.
Is the log stored or sent anywhere outside of my computer?
If I clear the log, can I get it back?
The Preferences PageI want to shop inside my region only. I don't want more information than I need.
Click on the button for your preferred region. You may add or subtract individual distributors by clicking on them. All subsequent searches
will retain your preference until you change it. Program updates will retain your preference until you change it.
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